
What is Healing with Homeopathy?

Much of the healing comes from being understood at a profound level. To find the remedy that matches you, the Homeopath must understand you and what is causing your suffering.

It is up to you to decide on the level of healing you want, how open you wish to be, how cautious you need to be to feel safe and what level of transformation you desire for your life.

What about homeopathic remedies?

  • are generally derived from natural sources and given in tiny pills or drops
  • can be used on their own, with other complementary therapies or alongside conventional medicine
  • are safe for people of any age, from babies and pregnant women to the elderly
  • are non-addictive and free from harsh side effects
  • can strengthen your immune system and enhance your ability to handle stressful situations so that they do not cause illness.

As a Holistic therapy, Homeopathy is about more than just your health. It can mark a turning point in how you approach your life as a whole. It did that for me 30 years ago and continues to support my health and my evolution.