
What is unique to women?

As women we have a series of important phases in our lives that need to be honoured:

  • The menarche – when a young girl has her first menstruation
  • Menstruation and all moon comings and goings, the emotional waves – when feelings demand expression
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Menopause – when the woman lets go of childbearing possibilities and moves into being an elder or a grandmother

Homeopathy has many wonderfulremedies for each of these stages – enabling them to become more like rites of passage and a way of connecting with the earth and the tides of your body and less an irritant that must be borne.

Over the years there can be many assaults on the hormonal system of women: contraception (the pill, the coil, the morning after pill, HRT) and these may need some healing whether to restore fertility or simply to bring back the woman’s body to her.

Growing up as a woman in a patriarchal society offers many challenges and having a space to look at these and find new strategies can be a blessing.